Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a general term for a group of diseases of the airways that is characterized by airway obstruction or limitation. Usually caused by smoking tobacco, but can also be caused by coal dust, among other incentives. COPD, also known as Cord, Coad, cold, according to mean obstructive chronic respiratory, airways or lung disease. COPD refers to CAL advocating for limiting respiratory tract, chronic ... COPD is a progressive disease. Obstructive changes in spirometry and reduced diffusion capacity usually seen symptoms. Early signs and symptoms of dyspnea on exertion, recurrent respiratory infections or morning cough. As the disease continues, symptoms occur with increasing frequency and severity. In later stages, the patient often feels a strong cough, constant shortness of breath and shortness of breath with minimal exertion or rest. At this late stage lasix buy progression of respiratory failure and death are common. Progress is usually caused by continued exposure of the patient to smoke. Although drugs often reduce symptoms, do not even believe that they prevent the progression if the patient continues to smoke. Emphysema is a chronic lung disease. This often occurs as a result of exposure to toxic chemicals or long-term exposure to tobacco smoke. Emphysema is characterized by loss of elasticity of lung tissue, destruction of structures supporting the alveoli, and destruction of capillaries feeding the alveoli. As a result of small airways collapse during exhalation, resulting in obstructive form of lung disease in which air trapped in the lungs. Symptoms include shortness of breath on exertion - particularly when climbing stairs or inclines (and later at rest), hyperventilation and chest expansion. As emphysema progresses, clubbing can be seen, a feature long hypoxia. .
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